By Dan Kennedy • The press, politics, technology, culture and other passions

Political gold

Let’s not kid ourselves — the possibility that the Republican National Convention will be scaled back, and that John McCain will accept the nomination from the Gulf Coast, is political gold for the McCain-Palin ticket.

I’m not saying it’s the wrong thing to do. I’m just saying.

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  1. liamstliam

    Dan: Don’t you think his acceptance is going to get overshadowed by the storm?Personally. I think people will see him being in the South as a political ploy. Largely, because that’s what it would be.I wonder if Sarah Palin ever thought she would have to attend a hurricane.

  2. Rick

    Well according to left wing super nutcase Michael Moore the storm proves there is a god in heaven.Stay classy Mike.

  3. O-FISH-L

    Hopefully Gustav fizzles but if not, can you imagine Governor Palin, as Commander-in-Chief of the Alaska National Guard and Air Guard, leading her troops into Louisiana, Mississippi and Texas with the local governors (all Republican nowadays) thanking the Palin-led Alaskans for coming to the rescue? There is strong precedent for this, with the Alaska Air National Guard’s 176th Wing playing a key role in humanitarian efforts after Katrina. I’m sure our largest state could spare the 176th Wing and perhaps even some ground Guardsmen to help again this time.Of course Governor Palin should be cautious not to appear the buffoon like Dukakis driving the tank, but what an impact she could have in khakis and a flannel comforting rescued families or merely filling sandbags with her troops.What’s Obama going to do? Muster some midnight basketball kids or rent control activists from the South Side of Chicago to help out?The giddy “there is a God” comments by Michael Moore and former DNC Chairman Don Fowler are absolutely repugnant. What a contrast to have Republicans like McCain and Palin down there helping the people instead of praying for their demise.

  4. Don, American

    What? No coronation like the messiah had?

  5. mike_b1

    Gimme a break. The same people complaining about Michael Moore go completely silent when all the crap about Obama being muslim and radical and yada yada yada come up.Don’t dish it out if you can’t take it.

  6. James O'Brien

    The comments about Michael Moore seem to represent those who were unable to commit their attention to his entire “Open Letter to God.” Here’s a jump cut to an important portion of his writing on the subject, which casts first impressions in a different light, perhaps: “So this is my plea to you: Don’t do this to Louisiana again. The Republicans got your message. They are scrambling and doing the best they can to get planes, trains and buses to New Orleans so that everyone can get out. They haven’t sent the entire Louisiana National Guard to Iraq this time — they are already patrolling the city streets. And, in a nod to I don’t know what, Bush’s head of FEMA has named a man to help manage the federal government’s response. His name is W. Michael Moore. I kid you not, heavenly Father. They have sent a man with both my name AND W’s to help save the Gulf Coast.So please God, let the storm die out at sea. It’s done enough damage already. If you do this one favor for me, I promise not to invoke your name again. I’ll leave that to the followers of Dr. Dobson and to those gathering this week in St. Paul.”

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