By Dan Kennedy • The press, politics, technology, culture and other passions

The accidental column-ist

How stupid is this? Obama is going to be giving his convention speech in front of some faux-Greek columns, which isn’t exactly new — Bush himself did it just four years ago. And have you walked around the Statehouse lately? Or ever?

But anonymous (i.e., Clinton) Democrats claim this is more proof that Obama thinks he’s Zeus or something, the media are freaking out and the Republicans blasted out an e-mail about the “Temple of Obama.”

Could everyone please grow up?

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  1. Joel Monka

    Yes, this is my American Prayer!

  2. Dot Lane

    No, they can’t grow up. We’re in a race to the bottom, where the only way to get attention is by being the loudest, most opinionated, biased, childish commentator available. Want a book deal? Well, scream louder and crazier than Coulter. Need to be on TV? Adopt a persona that makes Bill O’Reilly seem rational. Best of all, make up your controversies out of whole cloth and don’t worry about contradictions because you know your audience doesn’t care about history, much less understand it.Reasoned and informed opinion has no place for those with the attention span of five year olds which, given the book sales of conservative authors, seems to be a sizable amount of the population.

  3. elkay1

    Obama is accepting the nomination on the anniversary of MLK’s I have a Dream speech. Think of the words of that speech and its implications today. Why wouldn’t he want something reminiscent of the Lincoln Memorial?Any how many federal buildings outside the monstrosities built in the 70s are there that don’t have Greek columns? Very few.

  4. Bill Baar

    Any how many federal buildings outside the monstrosities built in the 70s are there that don’t have Greek columns? Neither does Invesco Stadium. Obama had to get the folks who build these sets for Britney Spears to build this.He needed to get out of a convention center filled with 50% HRC delegates, so he invented this with the link to MLK and the Lincoln Memorial.See how this goes…but I think he would have been better off sticking in the center.

  5. Dot Lane

    “He needed to get out of a convention center filled with 50% HRC delegates, so he invented this with the link to MLK and the Lincoln Memorial.”Ah, the omniscience of the conservative is again on display! Why not just go ahead and claim he sketched the columns and constructed them himself in order to be more like Jesus who was, in fact, a carpenter.

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