By Dan Kennedy • The press, politics, technology, culture and other passions

Unclear on the concept

The tension has been over whether the speakers should spend more time praising Obama or bashing McCain. No problem for Mark Warner — he thinks it’s about him.

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  1. O-FISH-L

    Dan, please. Warner was awful on purpose. Obama needs all the praise he can get and this will give cause to regurgitate Obama’s impressive keynote in 2004. In fact, the pundits have already started the comparisons.It’s like Michelle’s visible bra strap. None of this is done by accident.

  2. Dan Kennedy

    Fish: With all due respect, you do realize you’ve gone off the deep end, don’t you?Mark Warner is a proud man with an ego. He’s not going to go out there and suck on purpose.

  3. O-FISH-L

    I’m sure you’re right, Warner is a proud man with an ego, but so is Tom Menino. Neither one should have been asked to give the keynote address, but one was. The obvious goal being pick an awful keynote speaker to make Obama’s 2004 keynote look even better.

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