By Dan Kennedy • The press, politics, technology, culture and other passions

Poynter’s very busy redesign

I’m willing to let it grow on me. But, like Adam Reilly, I find the redesign of Poynter Online, home to Jim Romenesko’s media-news site, somewhat bewildering. There is a lot going on.

That said, my experience is that no one likes redesigns at first, but that they’re generally fine. It’s just a matter of adjusting.

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  1. Esther

    I guess it’ll take some getting used to but right now, it looks really, really busy and hard to read.

  2. Bill

    “That said, my experience is that no one likes redesigns at first, but that they’re generally fine. It’s just a matter of adjusting.”I gotta sort disagree on that one, Dan. You just did a redesign, and while there were a few hiccups, I think it’s a tremendous improvement.

  3. liamstliam

    Dan: I agree on it needing a little time, but — wow– it just assaulted me when I opened it up not expecting it.Waaaay busy for me right now.

  4. Bill Weye

    Dan, I do information and web design for a living. the poynter redesign looks like someone threw up on the web page .. . . I total mess. there is a lot going on. they have a lot of great content on the site, and EVERYONE wants to be front and center. there isn’t any sense of priority. Ed Tufte says that more information clarifies, and that when things gets messy it’s a matter of poor design, not too much info.

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