By Dan Kennedy • The press, politics, technology, culture and other passions

Running the numbers on the trade (II)

Revising and extending last night’s thoughts:

  • The Boston Globe says that Jason Bay’s salary this year is $5.75 million; it doesn’t go to $7.5 million until next year. So the hit to the Red Sox isn’t as bad as I’d first thought.
  • I forget to mention yesterday that the Sox will lose the two high draft picks they would have received if they’d let Manny become a free agent. That’s significant, although they wouldn’t be getting Bay.

Anyone would trade two high draft picks for Bay; that’s a steal. So the wild cards remain Craig Hansen and Brandon Moss. If either of them — especially Hansen — proves to be a star, Sox fans will be gnashing their teeth. But I don’t think it’s going to happen.

Moss may become a valuable fourth-outfielder type, but Hansen seems to be one of those guys for whom it just isn’t going to work out.

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Running the numbers on the trade


Too funny


  1. Howard Owens

    Sox fans should be happy with Bay. He’s a good player with a good attitude.Since the Canandaigua Knights lose Bay (my fantasy team), which they had since Bay’s rookie year with the Padres, we’re hoping hard that Hansen and Moss are stars (and I’ve already traded Manny for Nate McLouth and a draft pick).

  2. Don, American

    The question is: Will Torre make him cut his hair?

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