By Dan Kennedy • The press, politics, technology, culture and other passions

Mirror, Mirror, not on my wall

I’m in New York, where I attended the Mirror Awards luncheon sponsored by Syracuse University’s S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications. My weekly online column in The Guardian was up for an award in media commentary, but I lost to Joe Nocera of the New York Times.

Editor & Publisher has a thorough rundown on the proceedings here. The theme of the event, as you will see, was the life of Tim Russert, who had been scheduled to receive a lifetime achievement award. Brian Williams accepted on his behalf. One discordant note: the set-up video included a brief tribute from Dick Cheney, who infamously lied to Russert in September 2003. I do believe I heard some murmurs, a sign that I wasn’t the only one who thought including Cheney was inappropriate.

The event was held in the Rainbow Room at Rockefeller Center, which was pretty cool. Hick that I am, I’d never even heard of the place until I was invited to attend. Good food, amazing view, even on an overcast day like today.

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  1. Steve

    I’m sure it’s an honor just to be nominated. 🙂 But seriously, it is. And the Rainbow Room is pretty cool. As is the mural above the security desk in the lobby, if you’ve never noticed it.If you’re still in NYC in the morning and they don’t feed you and if you like smoked fish, take a cab up to Barney Greengrass The Sturgeon King for a proper NYC breakfast.Congrats, Dan!

  2. Dan Kennedy

    Steve: Thanks for the suggestion, although I’m not a smoked-fish kind of guy. And I appreciate your kind words.

  3. Aaron Read

    (tongue firmly in cheek)Man, you print guys get to go to the frickin’ Rainbow Room?!?!? And us radio and TV schmucks are stuck in the Sagamore at Bolton Landing (north of Albany) for the NYSBA awards? Yeesh…what a ripoff! ;-)Well, at least we get the NY governor to speak at OUR event. Nyah, nyah, nyah.And for the record: despite my BU ties favoring Nocera, as far as I’m concerned, you were totally robbed, Dan. 🙂

  4. Dan Kennedy

    Why, thank you, Aaron. BTW, my master’s is from BU — American history, Metropolitan College, 1984.

  5. Doug

    Dan,Congratulations on the nomination!I think the city and the news business in general benefits greatly from your work, especially in times so uncertain for those of us in the biz.Thanks for a great read.Doug

  6. Esther

    I’m glad you had a nice time. How did the bus ride work out?

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