By Dan Kennedy • The press, politics, technology, culture and other passions

Online Journalism Review goes offline

The Online Journalism Review has ceased publication. I’m stunned, although it did strike me that there was a lack of clarity to its mission. Editor Bob Niles says he’ll continue on his own. I hope that the individual voice will allow him to bring greater focus to his work. I also hope Annenberg plans to keep the OJR archives up and running.

Perhaps this is a sign of online journalism’s growing maturity. After all, the Boston Computer Society and myriad other computer user groups of the 1970s, ’80s and ’90s died off once computers became just another tool. (Via Romenesko.)

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  1. Ari Herzog

    True enough.Yet, despite the popularity of eBay and other online auction sites, the MIT Flea Market continues every month.

  2. Tish Grier

    Hi Dan,yep…there have been some huge changes in online journalism in the past year or so–esp. in the areas of “community development.” Some of it could be called amazing progress–while some, well, you know how it goes…;-)

  3. Ron Newman

    The Boston Computer Society died, but many of its user groups live on, and other user groups have started since then.

  4. Simon Owens

    I subscribed to its RSS feed but was never really all that wowed by its content. It always struck me as one of those lame “how to” sites like the Blog Herald and problogger.

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