How to save $50 million a year

Gov. Deval Patrick plans to spend $50 million a year to treat the gambling addicts he would create if his proposal to build three casinos comes to pass. And his defenders want you to know that’s a good thing. The Herald’s Scott Van Voorhis writes:

Casino supporters say Gov. Deval Patrick’s big commitment to dealing with problem gambling should offset any concerns about “social costs” raised by foes of expanded gambling. The money would come from a 2.5 percent tax on projected daily casino revenues in Massachusetts.

You know, I just figured out how the state can save $50 million a year.

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6 thoughts on “How to save $50 million a year”

  1. I believe that. Not.I mean, look at all the cigarette tax revenue and lawsuit money spent on smoking cessation programs.

  2. For the life of me, I don’t know why no one is talking about the obvious: Bring in more state revenue via slot machines and video poker only at Suffolk Downs and Wonderland — places people are already gambling. That would mean minor infrastructure improvements — borne by the tracks themselves, if they want the new machines — and a limited increase in traffic. (I can’t quantify that, but it seems many more people would drive to a full casino than would head to a track just to play slot machines, though a number of people would do so.)Would the revenue potential equal that of several casinos? Certainly not, but the costs would similarly be nowhere equal.

  3. Re:io saturnaliaYou need to educate yourself on what “slots” mean and how they will open the door to nine not three, casinos in this state. Six indian tribes plus tribes from New Hampshire, R.I. etc. Slots are Class 3 gaming or Vegas casino gambling. If the state ok’s slots for race tracks it automtically opens the door to full blown casinos, you can’t have one and not the other. No slots=No casinos. Period.

  4. Dang,Consider me educated. Thanks.Still, it’s interesting that Keno is OK, but slots and video poker mark the tipping point.

  5. You are right Dan. No casino = no mitigation necessary. Same for slots. Resort casinos have helped no state or local economy. They drain more than they gain.

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