By Dan Kennedy • The press, politics, technology, culture and other passions

A Mass. primary that means something

In my latest for the Guardian, I ponder the first-in-my-lifetime reality that the Massachusetts presidential primaries next Tuesday are actually going to mean something. Please excuse the stale poll numbers — I wrote the piece this past Tuesday, and tweaked it for the last time on Wednesday morning.

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  1. parsimonious

    OK…here is the real question about the voting Tuesday. On the Democratic side, there now are more names listed of those who are OUT of the race than those (two) remaining in. What happens when there are votes cast for any/all of those who have withdrawn ? Just curious.

  2. Don, American

    If you’re looking for meaningful poll numbers, better you should examine the pole at your local strip club.

  3. Peter Porcupine

    Mitt Romney is deeply unpopular in Massachusetts, but tops 50% in even your outdated poll? I would submit to you that Mitt is deeply unpopular with the Boston Glob, not necessarily a bad thing. And the crack that the last ‘popular’ Governor, Bill Weld, left office a dozen years (opposed to Cellucci’s eight?) ago pales when you consider that he served as long as his two successors combined. Weld and Romney are also the only two to serve a full term.As far as meaningful primary goes – for the first time since 1996, the GOP will have apportionment of delegates for all candidates who get more than 15% of the vote. The GOP took the vote thinking there would be a March primary, and our relatively delegate rich state would attract presidential campaigning. Bill Galvin inadvertantly swept us into the dustbin of Super Tuesday in his effort to make Mass. ‘relevant’, aka deliver for Hillary.

  4. Dan Kennedy

    PP: The two propositions are absolutely consistent. Romney’s high negative rating in Massachusetts is among all voters, Democratic, Republican and independent. If Romney were to win the nomination, how do you think he’d do in Massachusetts this November? Probably not very well, eh?On the other hand, Romney is still popular with Republican-primary voters in Massachusetts. Especially since most independents will vote in the Democratic primary, where most of the suspense is.

  5. Peter Porcupine

    DK – which means that Romney is still popular with actual Republicans for the Republican nomination.

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