By Dan Kennedy • The press, politics, technology, culture and other passions

A smart move if it happens

The Boston Herald reports that beleaguered relief pitcher Eric Gagné may accept arbitration and give it another shot with the Red Sox next year. Good. Yes, he became the human surrender flag. But he’s one of the great relievers in baseball history, and he was pitching well before coming to the Sox in mid-season. He may have been hurt. He may heal over the winter. Why dump the guy when he might prove to be valuable?

Saturday update: Gagné’s gone, according to the Globe. Too bad.

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  1. Don (no longer) Fluffy

    $$$$$$$$$ as usual.

  2. Anonymous

    Either the marketplace isn’t favorable or his play was so unimpressive that some teams (Texas?) are scared off. If he actually takes RS to arbitration maybe they can deal him at the trade deadline if he makes a big comeback in ’08.

  3. Amusedbutinformedobserver

    Gagne also didn’t make any excuses, didn’t duck reporters, agreed to come here with a background of historic stats to be back-up to a second-year man, and seemed genuinely happy to be here as a player not a mercenary. Here’s hoping he comes back and regains some of his form; and here’s hoping the club doesn’t cave to public opinion over a bad season the way it folded with Renteria

  4. Bill Weye

    unless I’m wrong, don’t the sox get a sandwich draft pick because they offered arbitration? I thought that was the reason they did it, never really expecting that he would take it.

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