By Dan Kennedy • The press, politics, technology, culture and other passions

Kenney does it his way

After a slight lull, action is heating up once again on the casino front. Today’s highlights:

— In the Boston Phoenix, Adam Reilly profiles Peter Kenney (photo at left), the Cape Cod Today blogger/ reporter/ activist who was a key player in bringing down Mashpee Wampanoag president Glenn Marshall, and who continues to break important stories. I think Adam gets a little too hung up on whether Kenney is a “journalist,” but he’s got a lot of insight and some great quotes from the colorful Kenney. Here’s one: “Did I do it the way a traditional journalist would? According to journalistic ethics, if there are such things that are taught in school? No. Was I correct in what I said? Yes.”

— What will Gov. Deval Patrick say about casino gambling? We’re still waiting. Kenney himself writes that a source tells him Patrick has decided to punt and let the Legislature handle it. That would be good news, as House Speaker Sal DiMasi is a casino opponent. In the Cape Cod Times, Stephanie Vosk reports that whatever happens, casino gambling is likely to be the subject of a referendum on the state ballot.

— In the Brockton Enterprise, Michael DeCicco reports that the selectmen in Berkley have voted unanimously to fight against the building of a proposed casino in neighboring Middleborough. “We’re talking about transforming this area into something that will be unbelievable,” said chairman Robert Anctil. “It’s bad growth, not good growth.”

— In the Boston Globe, Sean Murphy looks at the plans for the proposed Middleborough casino and finds that it’s intended to “
draw a national tourist clientele because of its proximity to Cape Cod and would be crammed with 4,000 slot machines, 180 table games, and amenities like a 10,000-seat auditorium for sporting events and shows.” Not that it would harm the rural character of the town or anything.

My standard disclosure.

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  1. Peter Porcupine

    Peter has been ‘blogging’ for over ten years – he’s just done it on a weekly television program. For which I make popcorn, myself.His opinions, wrath, and convictions are all fierce, but he knows his limits. I too would not describe him as a journalist, but as a gifted and trenchant editorialist. That doesn’t mean his facts are inaccurate, but that Peter would not make a pretense of balance whn offering a sincere opinion.

  2. Bill Toscano

    If you have not lived through it, like those of us who were in southeastern Connecticut in the 1990s, you have no idea how it rips a community apart.These legislators oughta go down there and ask questions.

  3. Anonymous

    It’s pathetic how much you smooch this guy’s posterior. The BIA was in Mashpee yesterday, not the FBI. Someone must have mixed up the geezer’s alphabet soup. It’s irresponsible to post something as inflammatory as he did with not an ounce of legitimate sourcing. But that’s life as a blogger. Throw the crap against the wall and see what sticks.

  4. Anonymous

    Breaking news. About all this guy is breaking is wind.

  5. Neil

    To anonymous 10:50, and mixed-up alphabet soup. Here’s some legitimate sourcing for you. Feel better now?Have a relaxing drink, take in a show!

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