By Dan Kennedy • The press, politics, technology, culture and other passions

Tribal politics threaten casino

Middleborough Selectman Adam Bond and others who think the casino is still on track should take a look at today’s Cape Cod Times. K.C. Myers reports that long-simmering anger over the way disgraced tribal leader Glenn Marshall has managed the Mashpee Wampanoags’ finances and cast out those who disagree with him is about to explode at a special meeting tomorrow night.

Marshall’s dealings with “wealthy investors” to bring a casino to Middleborough are also the subject of a federal lawsuit brought by dissident Wampanoags. That suit was almost certainly given new life because of what’s happened over the past week.

In the Boston Globe, Christine Wallgren reports that officials from 17 surrounding communities and two regional planning agencies will meet tomorrow with Gov. Deval Patrick’s economic-development czar, Dan O’Connell, to ask that Patrick make no decision on casino gambling until the issue has been thoroughly studied. From the context, I’d say they want it studied to death. Good.

At Cape Cod Today, Peter Kenney keeps pounding away at Marshall, and opines that he’s still calling the shots behind the scenes. Well, maybe not after tomorrow night.

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  1. Rick in Duxbury

    Absolutely superb work by Kenney. Seems a shame that you and Walter Robinson can’t get some NU students more deeply involved. Today’s Globe piece on the disgusting state of Boston restaurants shows what can be done when reporters use shoe leather instead of political agendas. Time for the Globe to swallow their pride and make Kenney a “correspondent”.

  2. Neil

    Yes, great work by Peter! Meanwhile shoe-leather Jeff Jacoby’s column in today’s op-ed about casinos looks like it was written about three months ago. No mention of Marshall. Doesn’t want to enter the fray I guess, only wants to write deep thoughts. His argument in favor of casinos could easily be used in favor of the legalization of pot:The struggles of compulsive {gamblers/pot smokers} should not be minimized, but neither should they be used to justify authoritarianism. Gambling and casinos {and pot smoking} are not for everyone. But the American way is to err on the side of freedom.

  3. Rick

    If the state can run a gambling operation I think it’s hypocritical to stand in the way of a casino unless we outlaw the lottery as well. And if we do allow casinos it has to be open to more than Indian tribes.

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