By Dan Kennedy • The press, politics, technology, culture and other passions

Media Nation on hiatus

I’m leaving tomorrow morning for a six-day, 50-mile backpacking trip in the Berkshires with the Boy Scout troop I help lead. I would ask that you not try to post any comments during this time, since I’m keeping moderation on and won’t be able to approve them until I get back late next Thursday.

I did consider quietly turning moderation off. But the last time I went away, Blogger got hit with a bot attack, and I was glad I had kept the gates up.

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Digging out


Casting a misspell


  1. Anonymous

    Did you see that respected writer on airlines, Matthew Brelis, is now at Massport as a spokesman? When did that happen? Was it announced?

  2. Peter Porcupine

    Dan – this really isn’t a comment…you have my undying sympathy for leading a trek with all those Scouts in this weather. Brave man!

  3. Mike from Norwell

    Dan, hope you had a great 50-miler! And Peter, rain isn’t necessarily the worst thing in the world when hiking. Of course, 5 days will get to you after awhile.

  4. Dan Kennedy

    Mike: Speak for yourself! I detest hiking in the rain. Although camping in the rain is worse. We were hit with a torrential storm on Tuesday night. Fortunately, the tent I had borrowed only leaked on the sides, from the bottom, and from the top.

  5. Mike from Norwell

    Dan, only point I was making was the converse of extreme heat. Our troop was hiking the stretch between Appalachian Gap and Smugglers Notch at 95 degrees several years ago on a Long Trail 50 miler. We had two scouts go down to heat exhaustion; rain and cooler temperatures didn’t seem so bad after all.Hope you had a great trip, although I can relate to the “joys” of severe weather with ripstop nylon as your only recourse. Our scout troop through the 70s had the peculiar luck of having every Klondike Derby weekend scheduled for the January Thaw. You don’t know what life is all about until you try to sleep in a no floor canvas scout tent set up on 12 inches of snow subjected to melting temperatures coupled with rain… just no way to convince yourself that you are having fun while 35 degree water puddles up around your sleeping bag.

  6. Dan Kennedy

    Mike: Oh, yes. We had that kind of heat when the troop did a stretch of the Long Trail in August 2005. No cases of heat exhaustion, fortunately, although I think I came pretty close!

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