By Dan Kennedy • The press, politics, technology, culture and other passions

A bad day for Judge Murphy

It looks like Superior Court Judge Ernest Murphy could be a big loser despite winning a $2 million-plus libel judgment against the Herald — a judgment that was reaffirmed this spring by the state’s Supreme Judicial Court.

The Associated Press reports that the state’s Commission on Judicial Conduct has filed charges with the SJC alleging that Murphy’s very odd and threatening post-verdict letters to Herald publisher Pat Purcell — written on Superior Court letterhead — amounted to “willful misconduct” that brought his office into “disrepute.”

Murphy, in his response, denies the misconduct charge.

It’s all online here (PDF).

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  1. Anonymous

    This is one arrogant guy. Not only is he name-dropping his vaca venue, (St. Maarten) and his lunch spot of choice, (Union Club), his email address appears to be “”. “Judicial temperment? We don’t need no stinkin’ judicial temperment!” “Big Ernie” is quite the man of the people.

  2. Anonymous

    Apparently, Murphy didn’t follow the Kennedy family’s (not Dan Kennedy’s) credo, don’t get mad, get even. Murphy, by dragging this lawsuit out for years, has only hurt himself. Ye gads, he had a lifetime sinecure, after all.–raj

  3. Anonymous

    EB3 hereEven jerks can be libeled. He still won $2 million because of very very lusy journalism. Yet the Herald says they did everything by the book.Dan, when will your “profession” stop talking about how ethical you are and should be, and start acting it.My God, I watch your Friday night show with Emily Rooney and you sound like a bumnch of self-important wind bags.So Judge Murphy is an idiot and may have crossed the line with the Judicial Conduct Commuission.At least he has a watch dog looking over him. If the Herald did they would have been put out of business long ago.

  4. Rick in Duxbury

    EB3,”very very lusy journalism”(sic)”you sound like a bumnch of self-important wind bags.”(sic)People who live in glass houses…What, from a public TV station, you expected “edgy”?

  5. Tired of EB3

    >>My God, I watch your Friday night show with Emily Rooney and you sound like a bumnch of self-important wind bags.<<Boy, you really know how to make friends, huh?

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