By Dan Kennedy • The press, politics, technology, culture and other passions

Best wishes to Paul Sullivan

WBZ Radio (AM 1030) program director Peter Casey has sent along this letter from talk-show host Paul Sullivan:

To my friends and colleagues at WBZ News Radio 1030:

After a two and one half year personal battle against cancer, including four brain surgeries, it’s become clear to me that it’s unfair of me to ask my support group, my wife Mary-Jo, my family, my friends, my WBZ colleagues, to continue to bear this burden. The toll my surgeries and treatments have taken on me makes it unlikely that I will ever have the energy to return to a four-hour daily talk radio program. This decision is not based on any one medical fact or the latest update of my condition. The fact is that WBZ deserves the best team on the field and as of this moment with my condition I would not be the best teammate to take the field. However, I’d like to contribute to WBZ in some fashion with either commentaries, or writing for the station’s web site, or take part in the station’s political coverage.

I will always remain a part of the WBZ family and am honored to have followed David Brudnoy doing a night time talk show on WBZ. But for the time being my health is going to be my focus, my full time job. I will still be keeping any eye on politics, on Beacon Hill, the fifth congressional district in Lowell, and elsewhere.

On a day to day basis I feel fine. I am up and alert and going out for lunches and walks when I can. I don’t need constant care but what my illness and treatments have taken from me is the energy needed to do my show five nights a week. I’m not sure if I can let local or national events pass by without some commentary from me. So with that in mind I look forward to doing one last regular show on WBZ next week to get a chance to remark on the world that has been uncommented on by me during the last seven weeks.

My best regards,
Paul H. Sullivan

Casey adds that Sullivan’s final program will be broadcast on Thursday, June 28, at 8 p.m., and that the station is not ready to announce its plans for Sullivan’s 8 p.m.-to-midnight time slot.

Sullivan’s other professional home, the Lowell Sun, reports on his departure here. You can also listen to Sullivan talking about his decision here.

The 50-year-old Sullivan is a class act and a rare voice of civility in Boston talk radio. It would be wonderful if he recovers to the point where he can resume a regular shift. But, regardless, Media Nation sends along its best wishes.

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  1. endangered coffee

    Sad news. Paul Sullivan is the rare talk show host who has an opinion but is willing to listen to the opinions of others.

  2. Anonymous

    Best Wishes of recovery for Paul and his family as they continue to face this hardship.Good luck with all and worry not about talk radio. Enough venom has been/will be spilled because of it, so focus on your health in a more peaceful mindest.God Speed.N.

  3. Suldog

    Indeed. Paul Sullivan is a class act, a noble successor to Brudnoy in his timeslot. He will be missed.

  4. Anonymous

    Dear Paul, Bill and I are very sorry to hear the news of your illness. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Many years have gone by since we have seen you, however, we have enjoyed many of your articles in The Sun, and also your program on WBZ. We always knew that you would be a great journalist and talk show host for you have always had “the gift”, so to speak.We wish you and your family well, we shall pray for you….God Speed!Sincerely,Bill and Mary Hallisey

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