By Dan Kennedy • The press, politics, technology, culture and other passions

Yes to marriage equality

I hadn’t planned to post at all — I’m in the business center of a Best Western in Arlington, Va., helping to chaperone my daughter’s eighth-grade class trip to Washington — but I had to pause for a moment to celebrate the Legislature’s standing up for marriage equality.

Here is Bay Windows’ account. This is great news for the state, and, I hope, the end for the anti-marriage forces.

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  1. Don (no longer) Fluffy

    In humorous blogs, I tried to marry a sheep in Massachusetts, but I discovered that not all sodomy is equal.

  2. Zach Everson

    Welcome to my new hometown. And good luck guiding a group of eighth graders around it. I feel sorry for every chaperone I see herding a bunch of kids around The Mall. Let me know if you need to get away and grab a drink!

  3. Anonymous

    Great news for the state? Geez

  4. Anonymous

    Dan, did you vote for Patrick or Healey last year? Some of us tried to convince you that Patrick would be much better on this issue than Healey, and it showed this week.

  5. Anonymous

    Hey Dan,I hate to burst the bubble that you are living in, however before the SJC in 2003 decided to impose gay marriage on the state there was marriage equality.EVERYONE was allowed to get married under the same set of rules. That is true equality. What you and your cohorts were advocating was redefining marriage and having a special set of rules for gay people.That is not right without the vote of the citizen (and 200 “representatives” is not sufficient on something so crucial). I would also remind you that if the vote had been taken on schedule without the unethical behavior of Deval and company, the citizen would have been allowed their due vote.

  6. Neil

    Hooray! My civil right to marry my twin brothers has been protected from the rabble!What’s that you say–still can’t marry them? Not even one of them? But we’re gay! What about our civil right? Still not equal, alas.

  7. Anonymous

    Allowing the citizens “their due vote ” … Good thing no such vote on the rights of blacks was permitted during the civil rights era.In forty years, the gay marriage opponents of today will be embarassed of and will deny their current position on the matter.Much like the majority of Americans who supported school segregation, forms of institutionalized discrimination and who opposed the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

  8. Anonymous

    Fluffy: Gay marriage equals bestiality? Hilarious. You truly are a comic genius with absolutely no hint of bigotry. Good to see smart, sophisticated humor lives somewhere in the blogosphere.Anon 4:23: The republican form of government that has served this country for more than two centuries isn’t enough for something so “crucial?” Is gay marriage truly crucial to you? Has it changed your view of your spouse, imperiled yours or anyone’s (presumably) heterosexual marriage? What exactly are these “special rules” you speak of? That a gay man or woman can make a lasting, legally protected commitment to a partner, rather than living in shame as a second-class citizen? That sounds an awful lot like straight marriage to me, but please enlighten me how letting gays get married is in any way a set of “special rules.” Also, while you’re at it, please explain why you and your ilk hate gays so much.

  9. Neil

    Anonymous 2:42–argument by crystal ball again: In the future, you will be ashamed that you did not think what I happened to think. In the future, you will be ashamed that you consumed the flesh of animals and drove a car to work. In the future, you will be ashamed that in 2007 citizens were not allowed to take their siblings as a second spouses, even if they were of the same sex. In the present, objection to one specific redefinition of the word “marriage” is equivalent to hating gays. Can still only have one spouse, who can’t be a relative, because otherwise you’re redefining the word and we can’t have that!

  10. metallicaMobes

    ah yes, the anti-anti-homosexualists are “out” in full swing. It’s so aggrevating when people equate the homosexual agenda with racial prejudice of the past. Lifestyles and sexual preferences are not even close to being on the same plane as race or ethnicity.I’m so sick of being blasted as a bigot because I have hold an oppressive “hetero-normative” view. After all, it’s the homosexuals who categorize themselves as living an “alternative lifestyle” is it not? Lifestyles and civil rights are apples and oranges, but this fruit cocktail seems to be a convenient concoction for the homosexual lobby to force feed to the rest of society :-)(wow, that was a good one! I think I’ll use that in my blog)

  11. Dan Kennedy

    I’m so sick of being blasted as a bigot because I have hold an oppressive “hetero-normative” view.Then stop.After all, it’s the homosexuals who categorize themselves as living an “alternative lifestyle” is it not?Uh, no. It’s not. It’s you guys.

  12. Anonymous

    Dan, You don’t agree that homosexuality is an alternative lifestyle? Saying it’s “you guys” who define it that way is either dishonest or ignorant of language. I have heard it described that way my whole life. Am I ill informed or a bigot? Rick in Dorchester

  13. Esther

    Rick,I don’t know who you’ve been listening to, but being gay is not a “lifestyle choice.” It’s how you are born. Just think about it: why would you accept a “lifestyle choice” that would make you subject to hatred and discrimination and second-class citizenship? No one wakes up in the morning and decides, “Hey, I think I’ll try being gay today, just to see what the lifestyle is like.” And there is no “gay lifestyle.” The people I know who are gay and lesbian have the same lives, the same hopes and dreams as everyone else. You can’t listen to someone’s hopes and dreams, to their life stories, to their jokes, to their pain, and think about them as some kind of “other.” Well, at least I can’t. I think about what we have in common. We all have things about us that make us unique. But as far as I know, being gay is the only one where you have to worry about whether your family will accept you. I know people who have gone through this, and believe me, it’s horrible. By the way, you might want to take a look at the Mass. Equality web site. There are hundreds of stories about how the right to marry has enriched the lives of gay and lesbian citizens in Massachusetts. No one has been hurt by this, but thousands of people now feel happy and protected.

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