By Dan Kennedy • The press, politics, technology, culture and other passions

Looking for an article

I don’t think this is a stupid question, but even if it is, I’ll ask it anyway. I’m trying to find an article by Zephyr Teachout titled “Come Together Now: The Internet’s Unlit Fuse.” Supposedly it’s here, but when I tried, I got an “Access Denied” message — even after I registered. Any ideas?

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  1. Jim caralis

    One of the great little know secrets of the Internet.The wayback machine ( – . See a link to the article below.

  2. Boy in the Bands

    You’re not going to the Personal Democracy Forum, are you?

  3. Dan Kennedy

    Jim: Got it. Thank you!Boy: Indeed I am. Help me out — what’s the backstory?

  4. Peter Porcupine

    Well, you can START with what they so charmingly call their Manifesto: crew…

  5. Jim Caralis

    No problem, we fellow NU grads need to stick together.I’m not sure which backstory you mean?

  6. Steve

    Peter – what do you find “interesting” about that link? To me it sounds like a lot of fluff – talking about things that have existed for years (think DailyKos, RedState, etc).There is one quote there – “The cost of finding like-minded souls, banding together, and speaking to the powerful has dropped to almost zero” – I do think this would interest Dan and any journalist. This is a role professional media people have historically filled. If the cost drops to zero, what does that do for the profession?

  7. JonGarfunkel

    hey, look, I’m famous– buried in the comments of an Internet archaeological find!My how dated that article looks now. amateur campaign videos were in the future.My comments to people like Sanford Dickert, Zephyr Teachout, Zack Exley back in 2004-05: “No one’s ever gotten around to writing the full story of the grassroots/net campaign effort.” (and they agreed) No one has, no one will Too obscure.

  8. Dan Kennedy

    Jim: Boy’s comment made it sound as though something very interesting had happened at that site, and that’s why I couldn’t find Teachout’s article. But I’m probably just being conspiratorial. Thanks again.

  9. Boy in the Bands

    Don’t read too much into it, because I don’t know. But I am going to PDF.

  10. Sue

    Thank you for the nice post.

  11. Micah

    Thanks for spotting that glitch, we’re fixing it.Anyone who wants the “backstory” just needs to ask.Micah SifryPersonal Democracy Forum

  12. Boy in the Bands

    Looking back over my comments, I fail to see how you could get a conspiracy out of it. I wanted to know if Dan was going to be at PDF so I could meet him in person (for the first time) and offer to buy him a cup of coffee. I think decaf is in order.

  13. Dan Kennedy

    Boy: Have I told you about the microchip the CIA planted in my brain? I’ve got a 573-page document I can send you. Just give me your address!More seriously, when you asked if I was going to the Personal Democracy Forum, I thought you meant the Web site, not the event. I do want to make it clear that I was not leaping to any conclusions — I was simply asking a question.

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