By Dan Kennedy • The press, politics, technology, culture and other passions

Department of self-promotion

I’ll be on “The Paul Sullivan Show,” on WBZ Radio (AM 1030), tonight at 9 to talk about Wolf Blitzer’s question to Dick Cheney about right-wing criticism over the pregnancy of his lesbian daughter, Mary Cheney.

Also, in the new issue of CommonWealth Magazine I’ve got a profile of Joe Heisler and Chris Lovett of Boston Neighborhood Network, who specialize in grassroots-level local journalism.

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  1. mike_b1

    It’s an absolutely legitimate question as the Bushies have pandered to the Religious Right and ignored all their own hypocrisy. But judging by the transcript, Wolf Blitzer didn’t live up to his name. He should have anticipated the possible reactions and been more prepared for a followup than what the record shows. Dan Rather would have left Cheney looking like Tricky Dick.

  2. A.J. Cordi

    I am SO HAPPY he asked that question. It made Cheney look like more of a jack-ass when he didn’t want to answer!However, I agree with Mike. Mr. Blitzer was too “soft” during the interview.

  3. Ryan

    Right. Blitzer’s follow-up to Cheney’s reply should have been: ‘If I’m out of line with the question, does that mean the Family Research Council is out of line for raising the issue in the first place?'(Note: I forget which group it was — maybe not FRC.)As a further interesting data point, please look up Lynne Cheney’s criticism of John Kerry for raising the subject of Mary in the ’04 debate. Note that the words she uses to slam Kerry (“cheap and tawdry”) are words which evoke not so much political dirty tricks as sexual immorality. Am I wrong? I think her choice of words was unintentionally revealing. Josh Marshall posted about this.

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