By Dan Kennedy • The press, politics, technology, culture and other passions

“The ‘Bangalore’ broadsheet”

The Herald’s Jesse Noyes on New York Times Co. chief executive Janet Robinson’s trip to Boston — and on her plans to outsource some back-office jobs at the Times Co.-owned Boston Globe and Worcester Telegram & Gazette to India.

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  1. Anonymous

    Bangalore the drum slowly. Soon there will be very little left of the Globe. Not clear why they didn’t sell the property when they had the chance to do so.

  2. Lisa Williams

    My husband’s job was sent to India in August. I called my congressman’s office (Ed Markey) and got a staffer who said, “Yes, they had someone check in with us this morning.”My jaw was hanging too far open to get out what I wanted to say, which was this: “What, did you give them a note? My dog ate those jobs?” I’ve never voted for a Republican, but I’ll never vote for Markey (D-Verizon) again. (Yeah, my husband got another job, but my kids? Sons, be union electricians.)

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