By Dan Kennedy • The press, politics, technology, culture and other passions

The price of censorship

Mockery, in this case. We can only be thankful that the Bush administration’s attempts at silencing its critics are so ineptly ludicrous. Like Moe Howard, President Bush’s dictatorial tendencies are consistently undermined by his inability to enforce his will.

Today the New York Times publishes the redacted version of an op-ed written by former government officials Flynt Leverett and Hillary Mann, the husband-and-wife team that was censored even though they insist there is no classified information in their essay. Leverett and Mann’s article, complete with blacked-out sections, is here; their introduction is here.

The longer essay on which their op-ed is reportedly based remains online.

As that noted civil libertarian Curly Howard would say, “Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk.”

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1 Comment

  1. Anonymous

    I liked the accompanying guide to the articles on which the redacted stuff was based–sort of a fill-in-the-blanks kinda thing. A nice big middle finger to Bushco. Here’s what I don’t understand, though–and it might be explained in one of your links: How come the Times didn’t have the cojones to just print the whole thing? Were they trying to help out Leverett and Mann, who could have gotten in trouble if they defied the redactions? Or was the Times, yet again (remember the story they held for months, that they originally planned on running before–you guessed it, election 04? They decided on their own that it wasn’t a national security risk–way too late, but better than never) caving in to Bushco politicization of national security?

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