By Dan Kennedy • The press, politics, technology, culture and other passions

They might even be talking, too

The Republican blog Hub Politics wants you to know that Deval Patrick is meeting yet again with (gasp!) House Speaker Sal DiMasi and Senate President Robert Travaglini. Who does Patrick think he is — the governor-elect?

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Jay Rosen on NewAssignment.Net


Amici of the Herald


  1. Anonymous

    Hilarious. I caught the usually steady Joe Battenfeld’s Fox 25 report Monday night on Patrick’s tete-a-tete-a-tete with DiMasi and Travaglini. Admittedly, I was only half listening, so if he was being ironic, I apologize for missing it. But I was less than stunned by the blockbuster revelation that, over a live mike, Patrick was warned that Republicans will be ready to criticize the new governor and his fellow Dems at the drop of a hat. Yeah, so what’s the controversy, exactly? Someone on Beacon Hill was secretly taped speaking an obvious truth? What have I missed?

  2. CCFK

    Dear God, Deval Patrick also met with Mitt Romney–what do you make of that?Hub Politics are two guys breathlessly saying that they know everything that will happen over the next four years–all negative of course–yet wouldn’t believe the polls showing Kerry Healey getting demolished. Their powers of analysis are suspect.

  3. John Galt

    Let no one accuse Hub Politics of being asleep at the wheel.

  4. Peter Porcupine

    Dan – you didn’t used to be snarky.The gradual co-opting of the Outsider – especially as he must file his first budget in about 8 weeks – is a valid topic of comment.Consider it an early warning system!

  5. Dan Kennedy

    Peter: I have always been snarky. For God’s sake, I was voted most cynical in my high school class.

  6. Anonymous

    Peter PorcupineYou’re the last person on earth who should be calling people snarky.Those who live in glass blogs… or Republican State Committees…

  7. Anonymous

    Read the words closely. There is some really amazing reporting in there: “Make no mistake about it, Trav and DiMasi look at Deval Patrick as the next governor…”What’s that? Trav and DiMasi see Patrick as the governor??? What the heck is up with that?

  8. Anonymous

    I dunno. Over on BMG, David is using his new found progressive political capitol to (wait for it) obsessively argue for a vote on gay marriage! Who the hell saw that one coming?I’d personally rather deal with the Margolis brothers at the moment. Somehow, they seem to have come out of this with more of their facilities intact. Such as they were, of course.

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