By Dan Kennedy • The press, politics, technology, culture and other passions

Keeping up with the “Unlikely Bigfoot”

Three years ago I profiled Bill Siroty, a New Hampshire physician with an unusual hobby: staying up half the night to compile a daily, 40,000-word e-mail of every political story he could find. Some 500 people, including much of the nation’s political press, were subscribers to his free service.

Well, now the former Howard Dean supporter has taken his New Hampshire Links service to the next level, unveiling a slick-looking, well-organized Web site. The Hotline is linking to him as its premier source for New Hampshire political news.

Who needs The Note when you’ve got Dr. Bill?

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1 Comment

  1. Don

    Excuse me for interrupting, but PLEASE put a halter and lead rope on John Kerry and keep him in the Commonwealth, so he won’t come out to California and disrespect our brave fighting men and women. Thank you.

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