By Dan Kennedy • The press, politics, technology, culture and other passions

It’s Muzzle time

My annual Fourth of July roundup of those who undermined free speech and civil liberties in New England is in the new Phoenix. Please have a look.

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Best wishes to The Commish


The Texas Railway Killer and me


  1. BosPhotog

    Great work as always Dan, and so important! I look forward to the “Muzzles” every year. Although, I must say, this year’s assault on free speech is downright scary. Happy 4th of July…Don’t burn your flag…

  2. Anonymous

    Dan, sorry to do no more than merely echo the first commentor. But, great work, as always, and more important than ever.(Hey – Nomie’s tops in the NL at .364!)pg

  3. metallicaMobes

    mmmm nothing like freedom of speech 6 feet under, eh Dan?:)I did like many of them, to be fair, nice work.

  4. Anonymous

    MetallicaWhatever, what an insane comment. Folks, that is how police states are born.

  5. MeTheSheeple

    Interesting stuff.The Globe’s article yesterday on the protestors of Brazilians celebrating a World Cup win might bring up some prospective nominees: MrsSheeple speaks better English than MeTheSheeple, but it’s her third language.

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