By Dan Kennedy • The press, politics, technology, culture and other passions

Gitell moves on

I just got off the phone with my friend and former Boston Phoenix colleague Seth Gitell, who wanted to let me know that he was back on Romenesko. Seth is resigning as Mayor Tom Menino’s press secretary in order to research a story about his father’s experiences in the Green Berets. He’s writing it for the Atlantic Monthly.

Seth and I had a great time together at the Phoenix. The highlight was probably our road trips to Philadelphia and Los Angeles for the 2000 national political conventions. We hit Geno’s during our week in Philly; English-language disputes aside, I thought the place was hugely overrated.

No doubt Menino will miss Seth, but I know that his father’s story is one he’s been wanting to tell. Jerry Gitell is a fascinating guy, and was an enormous help to me in writing this 2002 piece (ignore the date at the top of the page) on revelations that former senator Bob Kerrey may have committed war crimes in Vietnam.

Seth: Good luck.

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  1. Lisa P

    I worked for Seth for several years as a media liaison in the Menino administration, and even now miss the high level of discourse, food, and camraderie that he brought to the office. Working in the press office can feel like toiling at the world’s most thankless job, yet deciding to leave is an even more gut-wrenching decision. Knowing that struggle well, I applaud his move back to journalism. I’m looking forward to reading Seth’s words in more exciting contexts than quotes in the Globe.

  2. tony schinella

    He is a good guy and Menino will miss him … whether he admits it or not.

  3. Rick in Duxbury

    Seth is leaving just in time. Wait until the Mayah learns that his podcast has become an integral part of Collegiate Boston’s newest drinking game!

  4. Richard

    Thanks for linking to that Bob Kerrey piece, Dan. It’s interesting to revisit that in light of the recent spate of allegations of murder against some American soldiers and Marines in Iraq. War is hell, indeed, and often confusing, horrible and hard to sort out.

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