By Dan Kennedy • The press, politics, technology, culture and other passions

How’s that trade working out? (VII)

By popular request!

Bronson Arroyo on Monday: 7 innings, 6 hits, 1 earned run, 6 strikeouts, no walks. He’s now 6-2, and his 2.29 ERA leads the National League.

Matt Clement on Wednesday: 4.1 innings, 9 hits, 8 earned runs, 4 strikeouts, 4 walks, 1 hit batter (that drove in a run). He’s now 4-4. I don’t doubt that taking a line drive off his leg hurt his effectiveness, but the man’s ERA is now 6.31, which makes him 44th out of 49 American League pitchers.

Yes, I know the Red Sox tried to trade Clement in the off-season and no one wanted him. But isn’t that even more of a reason to hold onto Arroyo?

Meanwhile, Wily Mo Peña, the player for whom Arroyo was traded, is about to be benched, as Coco Crisp is finally just about ready to play. Wily Mo has not set the American League on fire.

But don’t worry — David Wells is back tonight.

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How’s that trade working out? (VIII)


  1. Wes

    From what this fan saw this week broke down as follows: The crippled Yankees were about to be consigned to 2007. Shilling almost apologized for winning against the crippled Yankees. Against all odds, the Yankees, lame as they are, won a game! Theo convinced some poor girl to marry him. This story superceded all other Red Sox items that day. The crippled Yankees waltzed out of Fenway winning two out of three. Nomar’s hitting somewhere around .370. Grady has worked wonders with Sele; the Dodgers look strong. And, Bronson’s ERA is the lowest of any starter in the majors. So, one must conclude that all’s well because Theo is engaged! Welcome to Fenway fantasy!

  2. Anonymous

    Just leting you know, Dan, the Sox have been in first place all season.

  3. Mark

    Dan, I’ll give you this: You’re persistent. How about a windfarm in deep center field at Fenway. 🙂

  4. metallicaMobes

    Maybe the Sox can outbid reality and pick up Clemens again. Other than that, I don’t see them going past the Division Series, let alone winning the AL East.Papelbon won’t stay amazing forever, Schilling won’t either, blisters for Beckett coming your way- although, Ortiz won’t be hitting .270 all season, and Crisp can jumpstart the bats, and to be fair, Youk did an incredible fill in. So who knows?All I know is that my Orioles are going to be sub .500 for another 9 years…

  5. Dan Kennedy

    Anon 2:47: They’d have won at least three more games with Arroyo. And they’re positively going to need him down the stretch.

  6. Anonymous

    “Wily Mo has not set the American League on fire.”Maybe not, but he’s batting .321 on the season while filling in at a very difficult position in center field.

  7. mike_b1

    Make that .321 with a broken hand.

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