By Dan Kennedy • The press, politics, technology, culture and other passions

Wake’s back

The Red Sox just acquired a solid number-three starting pitcher. His name: Tim Wakefield. Click here to see what I mean.

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A cold wind blows


Squirming in D.C.


  1. Wes

    Doug’s return is a breathe of fresh air on a rather tepid opening month.

  2. Steve

    Well, that experiment is over. Perhaps too soon – I recall hearing that in Mirabelli’s first 5 games catching Wake he had 9 passed balls.I thought maybe it was the offensive drop-off from Mirabelli to Bard might be to blame for the miserable run support given to Wakefield this season. But Bard has out-performed Mirabelli at the plate this year, so Doug’s bat isn’t necessarily the answer.I hope Doug just comes back and feels at home and starts hitting.

  3. Anonymous

    Good move. With Wells missing and maybe never returning, and Wakefield generally pitching very well, they couldn’t wait to see if Bard could handle it. And I bet he’s happy, too.Mirabelli’s not there to hit, but it’s worth pointing out he eats left-handed pitchers alive.Suddenly looking forward to tonight’s game. And hey – Arroyo’s starting tonight, too.

  4. Anonymous

    Believe it or not, there is chart in the online version of today’s NY Times that details the passed balls problems of Bard. It went up within 3 hours of the trade.


    I wonder whether Jon Miller of WBZ will welcome Dougie back?

  6. Anonymous

    I just hope that we don’t regret the da we traded awa Cla Meredith, who I understand can pla.Bob in Peabody

  7. Anonymous

    The problem with comparing Mirabelli’s passed balls to Bard’s is Mirabelli was a trade-dealine acquisition and basically got thrown into the fire, whereas Bard had all spring to get used to catching Wake.

  8. o-fish-l

    While I am happy to have Mirabelli back for Wakefield’s sake, the use of State Police resources to chauffer him around raises serious questions. Would anyone else have been afforded the same priveleges if they were “late for work” as in this case? With minorities being gunned down two and three at a time in the city’s poorest neighborhoods, relegating a highly trained and fully armed State Trooper to the task of catering to a millionaire ballplayer shows that we have lost all sense of reason when it comes to the GAME of baseball. Wasn’t it the abuse of State Police resources that helped bring down a Republican Acting Governor a few years back? But it’s OK for a back-up catcher to be chauffered around? Hmmm.I also share the question above by raised by regarding how WBZ’s Johnny Miller feels about Mirabelli’s return. Wasn’t it the bullying Mirabelli who made fun of Miller’s speech impediment? Hopefully Mirabelli has grown up a bit since his departure.

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