Living with Neil Young

Here is a blog dedicated to Neil Young’s forthcoming anti-album, “Living with War.” It includes a long interview he did with CNN, a task made excruciatingly difficult by the fact that he was the only sentient being taking part in the conversation.

Young has never been a knee-jerk lefty. His 2001 song “Let’s Roll” showed he was deeply affected by the terrorist attacks of 9/11. In the ’80s he was seen as something of a Ronald Reagan supporter. Which makes it all the more sad that he’s going to be dismissed as a burned-out hippie when “Let’s Impeach the President” hits (or, more likely, doesn’t hit) the airwaves a couple of weeks from now.

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8 thoughts on “Living with Neil Young”

  1. It’s easier to dismiss him than that. I’m not sure he became an American citizen: “If he can’t vote, why care?” Somehow the first Rolling Stone article about the song left that tidbit out.I’ll be curious to see the actual product, free of spin any way.

  2. I pretty much tuned out Young between “Rust Never Sleeps” and “Rockin’ in the Free World,” but I can’t see how anyone hearing the latter could think Young was pro-Reagan. And although it came out after the elder Bush had taken office (if memory serves), it’s hard to see how it could NOT be taken as a comment on Reaganism.

  3. Utterly amazing interview technique.Sabila Vargas: “You’ve got one song that’s called ‘Let’s Impeach the President’. What is this song about?”I wonder what Neil would have answered if he wasn’t “on the record”?Well, DUH, Sabila – the song is called “Let’s Impeach the President”! What do YOU think it’s about?

  4. Sheeple: Watch the CNN interview if you can. Young talks quite eloquently about being a Canadian citizen, coming to the United States 40 years ago, paying taxes here, having American kids, etc., etc. You can buy it or not, but he addresses the issue head-on.Lex: “Kinder, gentler machine-gun hand” is clearly a reference to Bush Sr., not Reagan.

  5. Dan, how does being deeply affected by 9/11 preclude one from being a knee jerk lefty? As a knee jerk lefty, I’m offended. You’re implying that 9/11 didn’t affect me.I’m a fan of the Boston/Cambridge/Somerville folk scene, not exactly a hotbed of conservatism. Everybody and his brother has at least one traumatized 9/11 song and is still performing it in concert.

  6. Tangentially related, and pretty funny: The Red State Update (not to be confused with, Ben Domenech’s outfit) has declared War! On Neil Young! Part 1! Part 2! Part 3! (Some language NSFW)

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