Springsteen online

The New York Times has posted a video from Bruce Springsteen’s forthcoming Pete Seeger tribute album. “Pay Me My Money Down” sounds like it has more musicians than a high-school marching band — or, as Will Hermes writes, “Coffeehouse folk music it ain’t — sports arena folk is more like it.” Good stuff.

I hope this is the beginning of a creative revival for Springsteen, whose songwriting has waned since his last really good album, 1995’s “The Ghost of Tom Joad.”

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4 thoughts on “Springsteen online”

  1. I agree with anonymous 10:20. Moreover, how can a CD of cover versions spark a creative revival (if, indeed, there was a creative downward spiral)? Will you be stepping up to praise Barry Manilow and Rod Stewart soon?The Rising was not perfect (it had a few weak spots, like The Fuse and Worlds Apart). But it was his most fully realized album of rock and roll since Born in the USA. Brendan O’Brien’s production was crisp and you could tell that Bruce’s creative spirit was revived. Dan, it’s not just me. A few critics agree as well.Dan, as I preview my comment, I see you said that The Rising is the worst album of his career. That’s not only wrong–it’s just plain ignorant. I thought you were smarter than that. However, I _do_ agree with you about Devils and Dust, Dan. Tough to listen to.I first saw Bruce in 1978 in Rochester, NY. He put on a show not unlike the one chronicled in the Hammersmith Odeon DVD. Breathtaking. I last saw him in 1999; he’d lost a bit off his fastball, but still put on a hell of a show.

  2. Whoa, nothing man! Having an opinion about Bruce Springsteen that you don’t agree with makes someone stupid? Glad we’re not talking about something more important.The Rising isn’t great, but it certainly has its moments. (“Mary’s Place” is kind of silly, but I can’t help loving it.) And this technically isn’t an album of “cover versions” – though Seeger sang them, they’re all traditional songs. And Dan’s right, it sounds amazing. You can hear a stream of the whole thing (legally) here:http://www.q1043.com/cc-common/mfeatures/brucespringsteenSP/David

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