LGF’s sorry performance

Charles Johnson is “happy to report” that Jill Carroll isn’t actually ready to run off and join the Sunni insurgency. And he links approvingly to a blog that blames Carroll’s ordeal on the media (the “MSM,” natch) for its exploitation of freelancers.

Chuck: You viciously smeared a woman who’d been terrorized for 82 days because you thought she kinda sorta looked like she meant it when she criticized the U.S. mission in Iraq and said nice things about her captors.

I’m glad you’re happy. Now how about an apology?

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3 thoughts on “LGF’s sorry performance”

  1. The comments to that post are interesting. One of my favorites:///#43 tompain 4/1/2006 02:38PM PST#40 gus3She repudiates polemics and you attack her? Read post #38. She has reported on the coalition’s accomplishments in Iraq, more so that many other reporters, in my opinion.Is it so hard to say we were wrong?///He never gets a reply.

  2. I’m assuming that one of the main reasons Carroll is alive is because she’s a woman. While female hostages have been killed, it seems that many of the captors don’t want to kill women.

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