By Dan Kennedy • The press, politics, technology, culture and other passions

All Howie, all the time

Last week I received an e-mail from someone who thought it was curious, to say the least, that “60 Minutes” failed to mention former Massachusetts Senate president Bill Bulger in its piece on ex-Whitey Bulger goon Kevin Weeks.

I didn’t do anything on it at the time, but Romenesko today links to a worthwhile piece by J. Max Robins, who doesn’t think “60 Minutes” has played it straight when it comes to the Bulgers — or to Howie Carr, on whose radio show Robins is a regular.

Good, asterisk-laden quotes from “60 Minutes” executive producer Jeff Fager.

Here is the Web version of the “60 Minutes” piece.

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  1. Anonymous

    This isn’t Fager’s only failing, or even his worst, if the speculation that he engineered Mike Wallace’s “retirement” in favor of younger, cheaper correspondents on “60 Minutes” is to be believed.

  2. Anonymous

    Billy Bulger will never pay noth’n…Only after he’s safely dead, will we really begin to question his baleful influence…The people who were killed…girlfriends, informants, small-timers, rivals…and others like the honorable state trooper who killed himself after his reputation was destoryed et al…were not important people…The important people are those who attended Billy’s big send-off party bash at the Boston Public Library. The rest of us exist to serve them.

  3. Anonymous

    Weeks doesn’t enhance his credibility by his referring to going “down to Acton”. Last time I checked, Acton is northwest of Boston, next to Boxborough. As painful as it is, I have to agree with Howie on this one. This Fager sounds like a real slug.

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