By Dan Kennedy • The press, politics, technology, culture and other passions

Thank God We’re a Two-Newspaper Town*

From today’s Boston Globe:

A campaign to build a wireless data network in Boston picked up momentum yesterday as Mayor Thomas M. Menino said he would mount an effort to spread wireless Internet access across the city.

From today’s Boston Herald:

Hub grudge politics may be delaying free Internet access in Boston as critics charge a power grab by Mayor Thomas M. Menino is stalling the spread of coveted free Wi-Fi.

*With apologies to Boston Magazine, which posted an update yesterday for the first time in months.

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  1. Anonymous

    The whole situation does beg the question of why Menino is so paranoid. Given his lock on the electorate, why does he care if someone else gets the credit? I’m getting a little tired of my mayor throwing me under the bus.

  2. Glad I'm Moving To Cambridge

    Because, like every elected official in this state, Menino harbors ambitions of politics at the federal level.Of course, I suspect our beloved Mayah Mumbles would play pretty poorly in Peoria (love that alliteration!) but he does fairly well in the angles he can work with from City Hall. Such as the national councial of mayors (or whatever its called). Add in that he’s mayor of the state capitol, mayor of the largest city in New England (and don’t you forget it!), mayor over the Big Dig, etc etc etc.And while I’d never think I’d quote “The Matrix” in this forum, but from the 2nd movie there’s the perfect line: “What do all men with power want? More power.”

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