By Dan Kennedy • The press, politics, technology, culture and other passions

Act of courage

When a person or organization demonstrates an inclination to file libel suits, it can be considered an act of courage for someone simply to exercise his First Amendment rights.

My knowledge of the legal issues surrounding the Islamic Society of Boston wouldn’t fill a thimble. All I know is that it is suing the Boston Herald and WFXT-TV (Channel 25), among others, for reporting on the society’s alleged ties to terrorism — ties that the society vociferously denies.

But it took some guts for Boston Globe columnist Jeff Jacoby to weigh in yesterday with a tough piece on the organization and its “abusive lawsuit,” headlined “Questions the Islamic Society should answer.” Good for Jacoby. And good for Globe editorial-page editor Renée Loth for running it.

Mark Jurkowitz’s backgrounder in the Nov. 18 Boston Phoenix is an essential guide to the players.

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1 Comment

  1. Anonymous

    The mission statement on the ISB website is so counter to the pronouncements of people like Saudi Wahabis as to make a reasonable person (reporter?)wonder whether there is some “nod and wink” disingenuousness being practiced here. “Gambling in Casablanca? I’m shocked!”

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