On the disabled list (II)

Is that cheese? Or SpongeBob SquarePants?

Just want to write a brief, one-handed update for those who don’t follow me on Facebook or Twitter.

This morning I had surgery at the Lahey Clinic in Burlington to repair my shattered right elbow. It went well, and I’m home and pretty much pain-free. (Nothing like Percoset.) Unfortunately, they had to put in a plate and some screws, and the road to recovery is looking a lot longer than I’d thought.

The crazy yellow foam concoction that you see is meant to keep my elbow protected and elevated, and I’ve got to wear it for at least a week. I’ll be out of work for at least two weeks.

I really do think I’m done riding my bicycle. I’ve taken two or three pretty hard spills over the past few years. The only difference on those occasions was that I wasn’t seriously hurt. I’d like to get back to running, but at my age (54) the nagging injuries have me not doing it as much as I do it. I’d hate to join a gym, but it may come to that.

Finally — all hail Lahey. I couldn’t be more impressed with the quality of care I received, both in the emergency room in Peabody on Sunday and in the surgical unit today. I chose the Lahey E.R. almost at random, and I’m really glad that I did.

On the disabled list

Briscoe Middle School

Well, this is a pain. It’s awkward trying to type with a sling and a cast on my right arm, but I thought I’d give it a go.

This afternoon I broke my right elbow in a bicycle accident in Beverly, toward the end of a long ride across the North Shore. Ironically, I’ve been riding my bike only because nagging injuries and recurrent gout have kept me from running.

The tip of the elbow broke off. I need surgery, possibly as soon as tomorrow. Yes, it’s my throwing arm, but I should be ready by the time pitchers and catchers report. Oddly enough, though it hurt like hell for the first few minutes, I am in no pain now, even though I haven’t taken anything.

What happened? I was going way too fast while cutting through the Briscoe Middle School parking lot and hit a speed bump I thought was just a painted line. I spent a minute or so thinking I’d broken every bone in my body, but soon felt good enough to get up. Good thing. While I was sprawled on the pavement, people kept stopping their cars to ask if I was all right.

Mrs. Media Nation came and got me. I took a shower and then couldn’t decide between icing the elbow or heading to the emergency room. I opted for the latter, and I’m glad I did.

So no classes tomorrow. My students deserve better, but I’m hoping to be back at it by later this week.

By the way, I’ve scheduled two posts to go up tomorrow, one at 9 a.m. and one at noon. I wrote them this morning, before my bike ride. Just letting you know that I’m not quite that obsessive.

Photo (cc) the Beverly Public Library and republished here via a Creative Commons license. Some rights reserved.