By Dan Kennedy • The press, politics, technology, culture and other passions

Student journalists are on the front lines of protest coverage

The Berkeley Beacon, the student newspaper at Emerson College, has a live blog covering the arrest of students who have been camping out to protest on behalf of Palestinian rights in reaction to the Israel-Hamas war. More than 100 protesters have been taken into custody, the Beacon reports, citing the Emerson chapter of Students for Justice in Palestine.

Student journalists have received a lot of much-deserved praise for their coverage of these encampments. In particular, the Columbia Daily Spectator has established itself as the go-to source for reporting on protests at Columbia University.

Update: The Huntington News has tweeted that students are setting up an encampment on Centennial Common at Northeastern University. On the one hand, I’ve been wondering when this might happen. On the other, we’re a week or two ahead of most schools; classes are out, and finals are nearly over.

Update II: Now The Huntington News has started a live blog to follow unfolding events at Northeastern.

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  1. Stephen Walker

    NuttyYahoo could cost Biden the election, not that this is most important consequence of Israel’s assault. NU will never denounce Israel’s actions in Gaza and the West Bank, but it would be wonderful if they did.

  2. Adam

    We have been witnessing a total perversion of language, history, morality, truth and of what we believed were American ideals.

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