By Dan Kennedy • The press, politics, technology, culture and other passions

Why I’m asking you to become a member of Media Nation

At the beginning of 2021, I decided to shift my online activities — I was going to blog more and use Facebook and Twitter less. At the same time, I decided to start offering memberships to Media Nation for $5 a month, following the lead of Boston College historian Heather Cox Richardson, pundits such as Andrew Sullivan, reporters such as Patrice Peck and others.

Most of these other folks are using Substack, a newsletter platform. I figured I had sunk way too many years — 16 — into writing Media Nation as a blog, and I didn’t want to switch to a platform that’s reliant on venture capital and could eventually go the way of most such companies. So here I am, still blogging at, and asking readers to consider becoming members by supporting me on Patreon.

And yes, I have been blogging more as I try to stay on top of various media stories, especially involving local journalism, as well as politics, culture and the news of the day. Just this week I’ve written about Larry Flynt and the First Amendment, Duke Ellington’s legacy, a new partnership between The Boston Globe and the Portland Press Herald, and a Louisiana reporter who’s been sued for — believe it or not — filing a public-records request.

If you value this work, I hope you’ll consider supporting it for $5 a month. Members receive a newsletter every Friday morning with exclusive content.

And if you’ve already become a member, thank you.

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How Larry Flynt beat Jerry Falwell and expanded legal protections for parody


Northeastern journalism project to provide COVID news by text


  1. Marilyn Jackson

    Hi, Dan. I’m a member and wonder about a couple of things. Regarding the investigation of the insurrection, were there any deliberations about journalists providing video to law enforcement? Of course, with so much content online in social media, perhaps that question is moot. About possible conviction, must 67 senators vote, or could Some Republicans abstain, reducing the numbers requiring a two-thirds vote? Perhaps you can discuss this in a future blog. Also, I cannot find the Marty Baron interview you referenced a week or so ago. Could you please let me know. Thanks!

    Marilyn Jackson

    Sent from my iPhone


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