By Dan Kennedy • The press, politics, technology, culture and other passions

Layoffs hit Worcester Telegram as Halifax deal closes

Ugly though not expected news coming out of the Telegram & Gazette of Worcester: at least 20 layoffs out of a staff of 81, according to Romenesko. But you won’t find out about it in the T&G’s story on Halifax Media’s takeover. GoLocalWorcester, citing former staffer Mark Henderson’s Twitter feed, puts the number at 28.

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  1. Lisa Connell

    If the state is eager to boost Worcester’s economic health, any chance another company can come in and buy the newspaper from Halifax? Did the Crowley family make the right decision not to pursue the newspaper’s purchase? Have you heard any regrets from any local or New England business entities who considered the purchase but bowed out?

    • Peter Sullivan

      I am not sure I understand how local ownership of the T&G would boost Worcester’s economy, and why the state would be involved. Twenty some layoffs is unfortunate, but I imagine a blip on the radar of Worcester’s economic woes.

  2. Patricia Austin

    I live in Worcester. I feel like information about the sale and layoffs has been totaly blacked-out. The new owner has laid off many (most?) long-time, respected, local reporters, and a well known editor , Leah Lampson, “resigned”. There is no info in the Telegram, the local news stations (owned by the Telegram) or the Globe (who sold the Telegram). What information I have been able to gleen has come from the Springfield newspaper website and Twitter. I think the bottom line is there is no more newspaper in Worcester. I hope someone finds this newsworthy, but don’t think it will be the Globe.

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