By Dan Kennedy • The press, politics, technology, culture and other passions

Beating the competition with Twitter

Steve Buttry, who is digital transformation editor for Digital First Media, published an important blog post on Saturday about using Twitter to break news. That led to a conversation, the highlights of which I’ve Storified. Please have a look.

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  1. Mike Kallan

    From the newspaper’s competitive point of view, the news needs to be concurrent with Twitter The tease of more detailed coverage along with new related tweets would enhance the goal of making the paper a “go to” place for the full story as it evolves.
    I wonder if the paper originating the tweet (scoop?) could get some monetary benefit or maybe an ad swap from Twitter.

  2. The idea of getting the news first or “a scoop” is old-school thinking as well. Journalism shouldn’t be about getting it first, but getting it right. Too often the focus is on who “broke” the news. The only people who care about that are other journalists.

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