By Dan Kennedy • The press, politics, technology, culture and other passions

A not particularly happy ending for George Scott

For any Red Sox fan who came of age in the late 1960s, the death of George Scott conjured up a lot of memories.

I got hooked in 1968, the year after their Impossible Dream season, and I remember being utterly perplexed at the horrendous slump Scott had fallen into. He finished the season batting .171 with just three home runs. Fortunately for him and the Red Sox, better times were ahead.

There are a lot of worthwhile remembrances for you to peruse, but perhaps the most disheartening is Gordon Edes’, who reports for that Scott ended his days unhappy over his treatment at the hands of the sport he excelled at. Edes writes:

George Scott, according to his biographer [Ron Anderson, the author of “Long Taters”], never got over the bitterness he felt over the fact that Major League Baseball, and the Red Sox in particular, never offered him a job when his playing days were over — as an instructor, a coach or a manager.

Scott was a good player and a fan favorite. Unfortunately, he enjoyed his best years after the Red Sox traded him to Milwaukee following the 1971 season, bringing him back just as career was beginning to fade. The statistics say he hit 33 homers for the Sox in 1977. My memory says he hit 31 of those homers before the All-Star break. Two years later, he’d be out of baseball.

My last George Scott memory was from the late 1990s, when he was managing the Massachusetts Mad Dogs in Lynn. I took my son to Fraser Field one night. Afterwards, we hung around for a while, hoping for an autograph, until an announcement was made that Scott wouldn’t be available. I didn’t blame him. It couldn’t have been an easy life.

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  1. I’m not old enough to remember Boomer in the 60s, but I do remember his second turn with the Sox. Even as a young kid, I loved watching Boomer play first base. How far he got down – almost doing the splits – to stretch out and snatch a ball on a close play, was always a thrill. Loved that guy.

  2. russell Seaver

    I remember George Scott for his big smile,great play at first and third,his enthusiasm and his interviews . Sorry to read of his death.

  3. Mike Rice

    With respect to playing for Boston file under: suck out the juice and spit out the seeds. NEXT!

  4. Mike Benedict

    He hit 25 homers in the first half of 1977. His August numbers were really good. It was only in September that he crashed and burned.

    • Dan Kennedy

      @Mike: It still was typical of that ownership that they brought Scott back just as he was nearing the end. And to get him they traded Cecil Cooper just as *he* was about to become a really good player. Let’s at least hope Cherington is right in his apparent belief that Iglesias will never hit enough to be an everyday player.

      • Mike Benedict

        It may have been typical for Yawkey to bring in “old” players, but it certainly wasn’t typical for him to bring in black ones.

  5. Bob Gardner

    I seem to recall a controversy involving the “Cliff and Claf” show and comments that were made about Scott. I could be misremembering. Does anyone else remember anything about this?

    • Dan Kennedy

      Or as the Red Sox called it, “Syph and Clap.”

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