By Dan Kennedy • The press, politics, technology, culture and other passions

Welcome, Prince Lobel

Today we proudly announce our second local sponsor, the Boston law firm of Prince Lobel Glovsky & Tye, placed by friend of Media Nation Rob Bertsche, a prominent First Amendment lawyer who’s a partner at the firm. Prince Lobel joins Chan Miller Creative in rotation.

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There is no deficit crisis


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  1. Nancy Mades

    Mazel Tov! You’re building a media empire! Where do I buy stock?

  2. C.E. Stead

    DK – for a second, when you said ‘Prince Lobel’, I thought you meant Bob…

  3. Paul Bass


  4. Rick Peterson

    Seriously good karma. Name partner Don Tye is related to the late, great Ray Tye, one of the greatest philanthropists in New England history and a legend hereabouts. Congrats.

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