By Dan Kennedy • The press, politics, technology, culture and other passions

The Googletron blinks

As you can see, Google ads are back — at least until I can replace them with the locally based sponsors I’ve got lined up. Maybe I’ll find another spot for them on the page. Here’s the e-mail I received a little while ago:

Hi Dan,

Please disregard our previous message. After thoroughly re-reviewing your AdSense account, we’ve decided to reinstate your account. However, there will be a delay before ads start running on your website, as it may take up to 48 hours before all of our servers are informed of the change.

We appreciate your patience, and apologize for any inconvenience. If you have any questions, please visit our Help Center at, or contact us at


The Google AdSense Team

Still no explanation of what went wrong, though I have it on good authority that a Google employee discovered my account had been hacked.

I’m glad that this has been resolved, of course. But what really needs to happen is that when Google’s computers detect a problem and shut you down, you should be able to access technical support and message an actual human being to find out what’s going on.

No doubt Google would have to hire a few more people, but I really don’t think that’s too much to ask.

Earlier coverage.

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  1. I think the bigger news is you’re lining up local sponsors. Good luck with that. The savvy local business will support your site.

  2. Ron Newman

    The obvious problem here is that if you weren’t Dan Kennedy, semi-famous blogger, they wouldn’t have listened to you.

    • Dan Kennedy

      @Ron: Exactly. A Google employee investigated and found my account had been hacked because she was doing a favor for a friend who sort of knows me. That’s why I say the only solution is to make sure customers can contact a human being, which is generally not the Google way.

  3. C.E. Stead

    Never mind the smiles and country manners.

    Have they sent you the MONEY??

    • Dan Kennedy

      @C.E.: They’re not due to pay me until Jan. 31. As long as they don’t suspend my account again, I’m not too worried.

  4. Congratulations and well done.

    However, it is a very weird way of running a business if the only way you can speak to a real person at Google is if you know some-one who knows some-one who works at Google and you are one of Amnericas most important media bloggers.

    I would love to learn more about the Google Optimiser advertised at the top of this page but I am frightened that if I look and don’t buy Google will cut off your revenue again – seems a shame.

    I do hope that the publicity you have generated does not bring your site to the attention of the demon clickers.

    My case got as far as the BBC world service and this is what the man from Google said

    Dylan –

  5. Congratulations and well done.

    It is a weird way to run a business when the only way of getting the attention of a human being is to know some-one who knows some-one and to be a leading media blogger.

    Let us hope that the publicity does not bring your site to the attention of the click bomb merchants. I myself am quite interested in the google website optimiser advertised at the top of your site but am worried that if I clicked on the advert and did not buy then I would might get you thrown off the scheme again.

    In my case after I did an interview for the BBC about what happpened

    they did manage to get a google man into the studio and thi is what he said


  6. Glad to hear you got (or will probably get) what you had coming to you.

  7. Mike Rice

    It seems to me that in this case Googletron has gone from being Darth Vader to Superman after picking up on an alleged hack job, but as you stated what’s really missing here is the human touch.

  8. LFNeilson

    I wonder if Coogs is working for Google. Do they measure in picas?

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