Lopez show to debut

Maria Lopez, the only judge in history to yell at a lawyer (that’s a joke, son), is profiled in the forthcoming issue of Massachsuetts Lawyers Weekly. Her “Judge Judy”-style show, “Judge Maria Lopez,” will make its debut on Sept. 11.

Lopez tells reporter David Frank: “I used to have some regrets about what had happened until this television opportunity came along. I used to say I regretted having lost my temper, but I don’t anymore because it was that loss of temper that has gotten me to where I am today. It’s the irony of it all.”

Here is the article I wrote about Lopez’s travails six years ago, when I was working for her husband. I think it stands up pretty well. And I hope her show’s a success.

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2 thoughts on “Lopez show to debut”

  1. DK,Some thoughts:1.If Ms. Lopez thinks “this television opportunity” is a better professional venue than the administration of justice, the Commonwealth is well rid of her.2. Your role at N.U. will enable you to incite context in a simplistic media world. I guess “if you’re not part of the solution, you’re part of the problem”.3. Apparently we DID hear the last of Ebony’s $50…..

  2. Dan, What are you smoking? You hope her show is a success?How exactly would you define “success” in this context? She is now a Judge Judy. That’s a positive?What the hell. Look at me, ever’body! – I’m an amateur gynecologist! I should have my own show soon. I hope it’s a success.

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