Headline of the day

“Tigers attack in Sri Lanka north.” Oh, my. What about lions and bears?

A closer look reveals that the story is about the latest raid by the Tamil Tiger separatists.

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4 thoughts on “Headline of the day”

  1. Dan, I’m not seeing what’s funny, witty or even clever about this headline or your analysis of it. Especially when one reads the story: “Analysts say that ceasefire appears dead and that a civil war that has already killed more than 65,000 has resumed.”

  2. Zanzibar — Do I really have to explain it? The headline was not witty or clever. It was stupid. Actual tigers roam that part of the world.

  3. Reminds me of when the Star Tribune ran the headline “Tigers’ Owner Jailed After Woman Attacked.” I first thought it was Mike Ilitch, the owner of the Detroit Tigers, but then it turned out it was just some dude who owned some tigers.

  4. No explaining necessary, Dan. Crystal clear. Pointless. But crystal clear.

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