Hey, Bill: Read this

Bill O’Reilly might be interested to know that the Globe’s Brian MacQuarrie was actually following up this story in the Dorchester Reporter when he interviewed injured Iraq war veteran Brian Fountaine. In the July 27 issue of the Reporter, Fountaine had this to say:

Fountaine says that he, like many other injured soldiers, are angry about their Iraq experience and aren’t afraid to tell the president or anyone else about it.

“My guys ask me all the time: ‘Are we just riding around waiting to get blown up?’ And I’d always say, ‘No, shut up, that’s not our mission.’ But, you’ve got to sit back and ask yourself, what is our mission?”

In Fountaine’s opinion, fighting a surrogate war on behalf of the Iraqi people will never pay off.

“They’ve been at war with themselves and others for a thousand years,” he told the Reporter. “There’s blood hatred between the Shia and Sunnis. They take it very seriously. It’s going to take a lot of work and I don’t know if it will work.

“I think we need to get the guys out of there. There’s more and more guys getting killed, and what’s the purpose?”

Check out this comment from the Reporter’s managing editor, Bill Forry.

Remember the promo that O’Reilly stuck on his Web site earlier this week: “The Boston Globe is at it again, turning a pro-war disabled veteran into a critic of the Iraq war.” Fountaine may have changed his mind. But MacQuarrie clearly got it right at the time.

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One thought on “Hey, Bill: Read this”

  1. Go for it. On the other hand, were you on the Beat The Press show that featured O’Reilly in all his (in)glory? He was certainly not challenged on that show. If not, then why not challenge Emily, who has clearly decided that the Cokie Roberts sell-out career path is more lucrative than honest journalism?

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