Mother knows best

Brian Ballou has a terrific story in today’s Boston Herald on Snoop Dogg‘s mother, Beverly Broadus Green, who is flying here to speak out against violence at a Dorchester middle school tomorrow.

Green tells Ballou: “Don’t look at me for what he’s done, look at me as Beverly. When you raise your children, they go out and do things. I don’t like it and he knows I don’t like it, but that’s what pays the bills.”

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2 thoughts on “Mother knows best”

  1. Coincidentally Tuesday’s Globe has a piece by Renee Graham about how Snoop Dogg was the only rapper to speak up about the execution of Stanley “Tookie” Williams yesterday.”Only Snoop”, says Renee, “who’s certainly pushed the gangsta life, seems genuinely dedicated to Williams’s crusade to halt the damage he helped inflict on his own community and others.”So there is more to Snoop Dogg than you might gather from reading the Herald article.

  2. Today’s Globe covered mom’s visit to the Epiphany School in Dorchester yesterday. What a feel-good story!Did anyone notice this quote from mom in the Herald article:When you raise your children, they go out and do things. I don’t like it and he knows I don’t like it, but that’s what pays the bills.So, if it pays the bills, it’s okay? I wonder if Snoop has paid some of mom’s bills too. Does she still live in the hood? I bet she lives in a nice house now, thanks to her wayward son. I smell a whiff of hypocrisy mixed in with the do-goodery.Maybe I’m wrong, but it’s a question worth asking. Virtue’s a lot easier when the bills are paid.

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