Silent treatment

The David Dreier story seems unlikely to develop any further. A Google News search this morning shows that the question of whether Dreier’s apparent homosexuality cost him Tom DeLay’s job has still not spread beyond the gay and alternative press. And, of course, the blogs.

Did anyone see “Charlie Rose” last night? Dreier was a scheduled guest, but there’s no transcript available yet. I would think that if the topic came up, there’d be an account of it somewhere this morning. So apparently Rose failed to raise the subject. Dreier is supposed to be a guest on Sean Hannity’s radio show today, which, because of Jay Severin’s continued absence, can be heard on WTKK Radio (96.9 FM) from 3 to 6 p.m. (Thanks, Jay!) But I wouldn’t hold my breath.

Finally, I recommend Robert David Sullivan’s response to my post yesterday. Click here and scroll down.

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3 thoughts on “Silent treatment”

  1. Why would one expect any MSM to pick up on Republicans’ rejection of Dreier because of sexual orientation?Sounds like a dog bites man story if there ever was one.

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