The friends of David Brooks

A rather odd construct in David Brooks’s column in today’s New York Times. The piece – an ode to Judge Michael McConnell, whom Brooks would like to see named to the Supreme Court – includes this sentence: “McConnell (whom I have never met) is an honest, judicious scholar.”

Whom he has never met? Okay. Then I guess we have to assume Brooks has met everyone else he names in the column: Harry Reid, Arlen Specter, Katie Couric, Matt Lauer, Mary Ann Glendon, and George W. Bush. And yes, I imagine he has. But so what?

We can probably rule out three others named by Brooks (whom I have met): Jesus, Rousseau, and Jefferson. The question remains: What was the point of this particular disclosure?

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One thought on “The friends of David Brooks”

  1. Brooks deserves no ink, he is often reputed to be a recipient of Rupert’s Rupees.Low rent in any event.

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