Dan Kennedy of McSweeney’s checks in on the rest of us

No, not him

My old friend Beth Wolfensberger Singer (note: I’m old; she isn’t), who draws those great visual op-eds for The Boston Sunday Globe, checked in today to let me know that I got a mention at McSweeney’s, not the sort of place I’m usually seen. It turns out that Dan Kennedy the humorist wrote a pretty amusing piece about being confused with Dan Kennedy the get-rich-quick guy. And there’s this:

You know there’s a really smart writer in Boston named Dan Kennedy. Covers media, politics. And there’s a very cool soccer player named Dan Kennedy. I dearly wish I had been mistaken for either.

Thanks, Dan!

Not him, either

Years ago, I heard from McSweeney’s Dan’s agent about the possibility of our doing some sort of book event together. I was all for it, but for some reason it never happened.

And every so often I’m contacted by someone looking for get-rich-quick Dan, who’s written a thousand or so books whose titles are all variations on “Dan Kennedy’s No B.S. Business Success: The Ultimate No Holds Barred Kick Butt Take No Prisoners Tough & Spirited Guide” (yes, that’s an actual title). Back in the day, he sat on a Texas Longhorn and had his picture taken. As McSweeney’s Dan says when he’s asked if he’s the same guy: “Oh, god, no.”

Back in 2003, Boston Globe columnist Alex Beam wrote about the three of us. I’m happy to say that, 21 years later, we’re all still here.

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