The Globe hired three people to produce a podcast — then canceled it

Photo (cc) 2014 by Nicolos Solop

The Boston Globe hired three people to produce a new weekly podcast and then decided to cancel it. Jennifer Smith of CommonWealth Beacon reports:

The final hires quit their former jobs, packed up their bags and pets, and schlepped to Boston from across the country or prepared to make the move. In late July, however, Globe management communicated that the organization would not be moving forward with the project after all.

Yikes! Fortunately, Globe management is trying to find new jobs for the three. One will write for “a new flagship newsletter” that will launch this fall, editor Nancy Barnes told staff members at a town hall-style gathering on Monday.

Smith’s sources said that Barnes and Globe CEO Linda Henry stressed that the media business is moving away from podcasting. That’s true — like a lot of digital media innovations, podcasting has proved to be great for distributing your content but a lousy way to make money.

What’s unclear is why Globe executives let these hires go so far down the road before pulling the plug.

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3 thoughts on “The Globe hired three people to produce a podcast — then canceled it”

  1. I feel bad for the folks who are now going to have to do something different from what they signed up for. But beyond that, why should I care?

  2. Yikes, indeed. I feel terrible for the kids and the move.
    The two not retained are paid through September, but that’s only a month and a half away!

    A bad error by the Globe here.

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