Unexpectedly, a good night for Democrats. Can they make the most of it?

If you watched Donald Trump deliver his meandering, 90-minute acceptance speech, then you know what the main takeaway is: The Democrats can still win this if they pull themselves together and figure out what to do about the top of the ticket.

My own view is that President Biden needs to step aside in favor of Vice President Kamala Harris, and he needs to do it soon. Today? This weekend? But regardless of what happens, the Trump we saw last night — after 15 minutes of play-acting at being a unifying figure — was the same angry, lying, grievance-filled figure he’s always been.

I like how David Brooks put it: “There is no cure for narcissism. The part after the assassination-attempt story was one of the truly awful and self-indulgent political performances of our time. My brain has been bludgeoned into soporific exhaustion.”

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3 thoughts on “Unexpectedly, a good night for Democrats. Can they make the most of it?”

  1. The same angry, lying, grievance-filled …

    In other words, the way he’s been while enthralling tens of millions. They wouldn’t have liked, or even stood for, anything else. Like on other issues, they know when he is saying something just ’cause he has to. More nudge, nudge, wink, wink, dog
    -whistle bullshit.

  2. What is scarier is, who is running the country right now? It sure aint’t Biden.

  3. People with dementia angrily deny they have a problem. Biden is unable to see his own weakness. The end of the USA and maybe the world happens if Biden does not quit. Take his car keys away.

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