Lisa Hughes of WBZ-TV (Channel 4) has put together a terrific profile of my friend Laura Everett as part of her “Change Makers” series. I got to know Rev. Laura some years back through Twitter — yes, there was actually a time in those pre-Musk days when you could make friends there. When we moved back to Medford in 2015 after a 29-year absence, I asked her for church recommendations, and we found Grace Episcopal Church as a result.

I learned some interesting facts about Everett from Hughes’ profile. For instance, I didn’t know that she started divinity school on 9/11, which is a story in and of itself. She tells Hughes:

When I’m with a congregation, we’re trying to repair our broken relationships with one another. When I’m with the City of Boston Reparations Task Force, that is a citywide effort to repair an unjust history. This is all the work of repair.

Everett, who’s executive director of the Massachusetts Council of Churches, is also a passionate advocate for urban cycling and women’s sports; she wrote about the latter for this week. And she’s as generous with her time, giving an interview to one of my intermediate reporting students just recently. Count her among those people who are making Greater Boston a better place.

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